Mordechai Vanunu
I got to meet this guy tonight (right side of the photo; that's Pastor Mark Holman on the left) and talk to him all about his imprisonment and so forth. (See link below for more information about Mordechai Vanunu's life.) It was mind-boggling. If someone hasn't written a screenplay on his story already, I'd like to get dibs on the rights!
Our conversation occurred on a breezy, cloudless summer-like evening on top of the Mount of Olives in a spot that some church traditions claim is the site of the Ascension since it is (arguably?) the point of highest elevation in Jerusalem. It's also the spot where Emperor Titus is known to have camped with the 10th Roman Legion the night before his troops sacked the city and demolished the Second Temple in 70 AD. The hill also still has trenches dug into the side of it where Jordanian troops hunkered down following the 1948 war. Suffice it to say, this place has history.
Currently, it is the site of the Lutheran World Federation, which does all kinds of benevolent and peace-building work in the region. And we had a group of about 50 or 60 people there from maybe a dozen countries tonight to eat, talk, and play volleyball together. Hard to believe so much violence happened in a place that seemed so idyllic and peace-filled tonight.
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