Dinner on the Mount of Olives
Mark and Susanne Brown live in the Stone House (located on top of the Mount of Olives), which is the property of Lutheran World Federation. It's the same property where we had the outdoor barbecue and volleyball matches last Wednesday evening, if you recall my dispatch from then.
Well, Sunday night we were invited back with a smaller group of attendees this time for a really terrific dinner--and we spent a lot more time inside the house this time. You'll see from the pictures that the interior is quite spectacular. The highlight is a round living room with a dome ceiling, with a German biblical quote etched into the rotunda. I believe it says "Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but my Word will never pass." (German language mavens please look at the pix and tell me how I did.)
Another highlight for me: I sat in a chair there that Winston Churchill once sat in. (Okay, I admit it, it doesn't take much to thrill me.)
The Browns are doing incredible work with the Lutheran World Federation, and are having a real impact on the situation here via their tireless, organized efforts to make a difference. In addition to lobbying hard on the political powers-that-be, the LWF runs Augusta Victoria Hospital across the road from the Stone House. We will tour that facility on Tuesday, so I'll give you more details about it then. For some, Augusta Victoria is their sole source of medical care; without it, large numbers of people would get no health care at all.
Monday we go to Bethlehem. So all for now.
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